"Once I got the bags opened and could see them individually, as well as the root systems, I was even more impressed. The trees are of a much better quality than many I've gotten thru "major" outlets."
-Dwight C.







Caseydog will keep you up to date
on all the happenings here at Sunbright Farms.
1-9 Trees $3 each + $12.50 per order shipping
10-49 Trees $2.50 each + $12.50 per order shipping
50+ Trees $2.00 each + $12.50 per order shipping
Mix or Match
Combine orders with friends, family or neighbors to get the best deal.
*** As usual, I'm running several weeks behind at the beginning of the season. ***
I will eventually get everyone their trees, but it takes time.
Please keep in mind, that I cannot answer emails, phone calls and pack trees at the same time.
Discounts applied at checkout.

A Free Range Children At Play Sign

Celebrating a simpler time when play didn't require an app.
12" x 18" Heavy duty aluminum. High quality using 3M inks and films.
"LOOOVE this sign! IT's a great super size & a nice price!"
Below cost!
(Taxodium distichum) Medium to fast growing to 80'-100'+ with a 25' spread. Will tolerate wet areas, but very adaptable. Beautiful, long lived tree that makes a great shade tree. (Zone 4-9) "My favorite tree!"
 (Prunus serotina) Fast growing to 50'-60'+ with a 25' spread. Prefers full sun. Small cherries attract birds, squirrels, rabbits, turkey and deer. (Zone 3-9)
 (Nyssa Sylvatica) 30'-60' with 25" spread. Bottom land tree with beautiful fall foliage, excellent fruit for birds & mammals and nectar for bees. (Zone 3-9)
 (Prunus angustifolia) 25' with a 15' spread. Full to part sun. Fruits for wildlife and jams and jellies.( Zone 4-9)
 (Castanea mollissima) 40'-60' with a 30' spread. Chestnuts for humans and wildlife. Resistant to Chestnut blight. Drought tolerant. (Zone 4-8)
 (Malus angustifolia) 25' with a 10'-15' spread. Small apples provide excellent food for wildlife. Prefers moist, well drained soils and full sun.(Zone 4-8)
 (Cornus florida) 20'-30' with a 20' spread. Prefers shade, needs good drainage. Beautiful white flowers in early spring. (Zone 5-9)
 (Quercus acutissima gobbler) Fast growing to 40'-45' with a 25' spread. Easy to grow. Produces small acorns at a young age favored by turkeys and deer. (Zone 5-9)
 (Crataegus aestivalis) 20'-30' with a 20' spread. Naturally found in low, wet, slightly acid areas, but will produce best on upland sites in full sun. (Zone 6-9) Make your own Mayhaw jelly!
 (Quercus nuttallii) Fast growing to 80'-100' with a 40' spread. Will tolerate poor soils. Produces large quantities of acorns for wildlife. (Zone 5-9)
 (Asimina triloba) 20'-30' with a 20' spread. Largest edible fruit native to US. (Zone 5-8)
 (Carya illinoinesis) 100' with a 40' spread. Nuts are a great wildlife food. (Zone 5-9) These trees are grown from seed so they are not a particular named grafted variety.
 American Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) 40'-60' with a 20'-30' spread. Needs sun. Great fruit for wildlife. (Zone 4-9)
 (Cercis canadenis) 20'-30' with a 20' spread. Under story tree with beautiful purplish pink blooms in early Spring. Full sun to part shade. (Zone 4-9)
 (Quercus acutissima) Fast growing to 40'-45' with a 25' spread. Easy to grow. Produces large acorns at a young age making it one of the best wildlife trees. (Zone 5-9)
 (Quercus michauxii) 70'-80' with a 40' spread. Prefers wet areas, but very adaptable. Big, beautiful tree with sweet acorns for wildlife. (Zone 4-9)
 (Pyrus communis) 30'-40' with a 20' spread. Needs sun. Pears are an excellent food source for all wildlife. (Zone 4-9)
(Quercus phellos) 70'-100' with a 40' spread. Very fast growing. Produces tons of medium sized acorns (3/8"-1/2") for wildlife. (Zone 5-9) *** 2 for 1 order 10 receive 20.
 (Liriodendron tulipifera) Very fast growing to 80'-100'+ with a 40' spread. Great tree for timber. (Zone 4-9)
Don't wait to order
Tree availability and shipping dates are limited.
Trees Ship January - May 2019
Select your shipping date during checkout.